UDO Audio RBN-1C Eurorack Receiver for RBN-1
RNBC1 is an Eurorack interface specially designed for the UDO Audio RBN-1 Performance Ribbon Controller. It features a live looper with trigger input and two touch CV/gate outputs.
The two touch outputs allow two-handed expressions with the Ribbon, e.g. modulating an oscillator pitch with the left hand while modulating a filter cutoff with the right! Ribbon expressions can be recorded and looped using the Live Looper. The trigger input allows these loops to be played through a gate, so you can stay in sync. Using the Scale Selector and Hold On/Off
controls, it's possible to adjust the touch response and octave scaling of the ribbon input to suit your specific setup and playing style.
- Eurorack module for the RBN-1 Performance Ribbon Controller
- 2x CV/Gate Outputs
- Live Looper with trigger input
- Control over the behavior of the Ribbon controller
Power consumption: 25mA at +12V and 15mA at -12V
Depth: 35mm
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13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
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