NAMM Show 2020
Alex4 will be represented at the NAMM Show this year with a big booth.
We will exhibit mixed systems with our sales brands, including: ACL, AJH Synth, Analogue Systems, Animal Factory, Birdkids, Cwejman, Doepfer, E-RM,, Eowave, Flame, Frap Tools, Meng Qi, Supercritical Synthesizers, TouellSkouarn, UDO Audio, Verbos Electronics and Vermona!
This year the focus will be on the fun of modularity. Small daily concerts will show the visitors the different possibilities of the modular system: for example besides the classical use as a defined synthesizer you can hear how the modular system can be used as drum machine, processing or effect box.
We are looking forward to an exciting time with many visitors!
Booth 10302
16 to 19 January 2020
Anaheim Convention Center - Anaheim, CA
Superbooth, Superbooth, Superbooth, News, News, News...
We are at Superbooth! Nearly all of our brands that are exhibiting will showcase some new products. We will inform our shops about these after Superbooth with hopefully more details like release dates and pricing.
We recommend checking the brands webpages and social media channels for more details for now.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z.... these links might help to check their news online before going to Superbooth.
For the booth number, please go here.
ACL, AJH Synth, Analogue Systems, Animal Factory Amps, Birdkids, Black Corporation, Cwejman, Doepfer, E-RM Erfindungsbüro,, Eowave, Flame, Frap Tools, Haken Audio, Humble Audio, Kenton, Meng Qi, Sherman, Supercritical Synthesizers, TouellSkouarn, UDO Audio, Verbos Electronics and Vermona...
see you soon!
Brighton Modular Meet 2018
Meet our brands ACL, AJH Synth, Analogue Systems, Doepfer, TouellSkouarn and Verbos Electronics this Sunday, 1st of July, at the Brighton Modular Meet 2018!
Superbooth! Animal Factory Amps, Birdkids, Eowave
We are back from Superbooth, in the meantime check out a few clips... more to follow...
Alex4 Distribution GmbH
Lessingstr. 98, 100 – Haus 11
13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
Fax +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 49