Haken Audio
The Haken Continuum, initially constructed as a threedimensional Midicontroller, has grown up to an profilic instrument of influential significance.
The developer, Dr. Lippold Haken, together with his former customer, friend and partner Edmund Eagan, offer a creative tool in different versions with outstanding features and Extras.
His experience in building and designing synthesizers while studying during the late 70´s and early 80ties as well as his viola lessons, showed him, that continuous-pitch control over the music was very important. This led to the idea of the Continuum Fingerboard. After a lot of designs and trying out several finger detection technologies in the 90ties he settled on a design, that the Continuum still follows today.
Since then it has always been improved by its engineer, who, in his own words, is dedicating his life to the love for this unique and innovating instrument.
Haken Audio CEE Rack Ears (pair)
Haken Audio ContinuuMini
Haken Audio Slim Continuum s46L6x
Haken Audio Slim Continuum s70L6x
Haken Audio Case f. Slim46
Haken Audio Case f. Slim70
Haken Audio CVC MkIII Black - Control Voltage Converter
Haken Audio Eurorack EaganMatrix
Haken Audio CVC Rack Ears (Pair)
Haken Audio Continuum-Osmose Bracket
Haken Audio TriOctave Pedal
Alex4 Distribution GmbH
Lessingstr. 98, 100 – Haus 11
13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
Fax +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 49