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Shipment delays... no Corona, just Indian customs in this case...

Wir sind sehr glücklich, Animal Factory Amps vertreiben zu können und warten auch gerne mal etwas länger auf gute Dinge, allerdings wurde Aditya, der Macher bereits von wartenden Endkunden gefragt, ob es ein größeres Problem gäbe. Es ist alles OK, seine letzte Lieferung an uns hing wegen wiederholt geänderter Spielregeln beim indischen Zoll wohl allerdings schon seit mehreren Wochen, es ist aber wohl bald geklärt. Hier sein Statement in englisch:

"Dear Animal Factory Partner,

This is Aditya writing to apologize deeply for the delays in shipment of modules and pedals, mostly the Godeater Eurorack that everybody is so keen on that I can hardly keep up with production and testing.

The current delay that we are facing, to cut a long story short, is due to a complete breakdown of communication between Indian customs, the courier company and the local Customs Handling Agent. I am not sure where the problem originated, as the shipment was picked up on Feb 3, 2020 and has been lingering between courier and customs since then. 

A basic summary of the issue is that customs requested three sets of (practically the same) documents for three different processes - one week apart from each other. The chain of communication is always Customs <-> Agent <-> Courier <-> Exporter. It is not a transparent process particularly since the CHA is only answerable to the Courier and not the Exporter.

Usually, all three sets of documents would be requested at one shot; this was not the case.

Whether Mumbai customs raised each flag separately, or the CHA updated the courier company a week apart every time, or the courier company updated us in this ridiculous manner - this I cannot say and will probably never find out, since no questions have been replied to clearly and the buck has been passed up and down the chain like a football.

To reiterate - there is no problem with the goods, supply or paperwork from our end, except that paperwork was requested from us and forwarded to authorities in a very haphazard, untimely manner. We have every paper either on file or ready to go in printed format because we try to stay one step ahead as far as statutory compliances are concerned.

It is ridiculous that we have so much red tape to deal with as exporters in India, and the process is slow and cost intensive. I apologize for any problem caused and wish this was a situation over which I had a degree of control or was within my sphere of influence to act upon. I've been following up every day on the status of our shipments, including getting a third party to intervene, and it's been a nightmare to just get someone on the phone at times.

Now for the good news:

The constant nagging and intervention intervention seems to have paid off, since I have been assured that the shipment is in clearing today and will be on its way shortly.

The other good news is that these processes need to be done only once, so that future shipments will be cleared immediately. Unless there is a drastic change in rules, this should be the first and last time that we encounter this problem.

Thank you for your understanding and patience, and again, my apologies.

Aditya for AFA"


Foundation Oscillator - Timbre and Richness

Verbos Electronics kündigte einen erstaunlichen neuen VCO an, den Foundation Oscillator. Wir nehmen Ihre Vorbestellung gerne entgegen!

Wie seine Vorgänger, der Harmonic Oscillator und der Complex Oscillator, fügt der Foundation Oscillator der Produktlinie eine völlig neue Synthesemethode hinzu. Mit zwei unbearbeiteten Wellenformen (Dreieck und Rechteck) und drei Wellenformen im Bereich "Harmonics" wird eine große Bandbreite an klanglichen Möglichkeiten mit leicht verständlichen und übersichtlichen Bedienelementen erreicht.

In diesem Video erkundet Verbos Electronics die "Timbre" und "Richness" der Sektion "Harmonics". Kurz gesagt, "Timbre" erlaubt es den drei Wellenformen, zwischen Sinus und ihrer jeweiligen Wellenform zu überblenden (wie die Grafik suggeriert), während "Richness" eine neue Form der Wellenvervielfachung bietet, die den Effekt eines VCOs in harter Synchronisierung ergibt.

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