eowave Quadrantid Swarm module
We are happy to announce the Quandrantid Swarm is now also available as a module.
The Quandrantid Swarm module is a versatile and unique synth voice for sound designers and musicians looking to explore exquisite and unfamiliar timbres that range from subtle to outrageous, nebulous to shimmering.
It features a digital synthesizer voice with a percussive element, an analog 2-pole filter, an LFO with eight waveforms, and a spring reverb. The 8 touch keys can be used as a mono keyboard, polyphonic keyboard or an eight step sequencer. The synth interfaces with other instruments via MIDI, and CV/Trig inputs. The semi-modular design allows you to get hands on immediately, but you can and should use patch cables to fully explore the potential of this instrument.
Genki Instruments - Software update
After hearing the Genki community's comments and feedback, Genki Instruments updated the Softwave and made some improvements. The new version features a standalone mode editor and an update to edit mode that for the first time ever will let you store presets directly onto Wave.
The update highlights include:
- Multiple standalone presets and new standalone mode editor which allows you to create multiple presets that are stored onto Wave. These presets can be accessed whenever Wave is not connected to Softwave.
- New edit mode allows you to configure each function without having to go into Softwave.
- The ability to assign a specific MIDI program change message to each preset.
- Routing MIDI from Wave directly to your hardware synth or any other MIDI output.
- Streamlined click function.
Get the latest version and check out the release notes here.
Festival für selbstgebaute Musik 2020
Our "Karussell" was on tour during the weekend. On saturday September 12th we joined the "Festival für selbstgebaute Musik" (festival for self-build music) held at RAW estate in Berlin Friedrichshain with our Karussell composed of six modular systems.
Deckard's Continuum Dream
A Deckard's Dream controlled by a Haken Continuum in MPE mode (with some additional help from a Kijimi, a NDLR and Valhalla Supermassive).
It's very different from the Eagan Matrix (the internal engine of the Continuum) and brings a very interesting set of colors ... and of course, it has this signature sound that triggers some memory. The MPE implementation of the Deckard is a bit unusual, but OK for the Continuum, and a great thing is that, as for the Eagan Matrix, a single control can influence several parameters, each with its specific range, which is highly important for expression, and you manage to get an interesting mix of your own control and the legacy envelopes and LFO (that you usually play with your fingers on a Continuum).
In this video, the Kijimi is controlled by an NDLR by Conductive Labs, also a pretty nice combo.
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