Buchla & Friends 2025
This weekend, on January 25th and 26th, Buchla USA will be once again hosting their annual Buchla & Friends two-day synth showcase in Los Angeles — the biggest synth event on the US West Coast with over 70 brands and manufacturers exhibiting their products.
Please visit us if you are in the area and explore a variety of the products we distribute.
Machina-Bristol 2023
"A Festivol of Knobs, Buttons & Discussions".
This event serves as a gathering for the synth community in Bristol and features a variety of live performances and workshops. We as Alex4 were there to present and represent our brands. Visitors had the opportunity to try out and test the latest synthesizers and modules on their own.
* Photos: Tom Koerting
Alex4 Distribution GmbH
Lessingstr. 98, 100 – Haus 11
13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
Fax +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 49