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Humble Audio - Quad Operator

Humble Audio's Quad Operator is comprised of four Operators for Linear FM Synthesis.

It allows any FM algorithm thanks to its modulation matrix. The One Knob Per Function design makes it very easy to use. The frequency, shape and gain of each operator can be voltage controlled independently.

Furthermore the Algo expander module enables to save snapshots of the parameters and to morph between the stored values (A,B or C) and the current panel state (Live).

In this video we explore the sound spectrum of the Quad Operator with various modulations.

Flame - Automix

The Flame Automix module is a compact three-channel mixer with recording function.

It allows to automate the mix level of each channel using its volume knob. Just hit the record button and move the potentiometer to record an automation!

In this video, we use a drum loop coming from an external drum machine. The Verbos Noise & Filter module splits the signal in four different frequency ranges. Two of them (the high frequencies) are mixed together with a synth voice using the Vermona ∑42. The resulting signal and the mid and low frequencies from the Noise & Filter module are then mixed and automated thanks to the Flame Automix.

Vermona - Amplinuator 3 and ∑42

At first, the Vermona Amplinuator 3 seems like a simple three channel attenuator, but it reveals to be a tone-shaping weapon by combining different stages and outputs!

The Amplinuator 3 can attenuate, invert or amplify incoming signals by factor two. There is a summing section as well, allowing the module to work as 3-in-1 mixer.

In this video we show the wave-shaping and saturation capabilities of the Amplinuator 3 paired with the ∑42 to change the character of a simple sine wave.

New modules from AJH Synth!

Three new modules from AJH Synth are available: the Precision Voltages, the Entropic Doom and the Lunar Module! They offer unique functions ...

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