New Verbos filter modules!
Did you try the new Verbos Electronics modules ? If not, check out the new Amp & Tone (2020 Version) and the Noise & Filter modules!
Synthesis Technology E300 Ultra VCO now available
Synthesis Technology E300 Ultra VCO now available in silver and black!
The Synthesis Technology E300 Ultra VCO is an analog oscillator based on the MOTM-300 5U module, with an updated design engineered in collaboration with Dave Rossum of Rossum Electro-Music.
The E300 uses modern temperature-controlled exponential converters without the expensive MAT-02EH + Tempco found in the MOTM-300. It also incorporates variable HFT (High Frequency Tracking) for a wider, more accurate 1V/Oct input. The SYNC circuit is a simpler hard sync type, with accurate detection of any waveshape/frequency used. There is an added -1OCT/-2OCT sub-octave squarewave output, which is phase-aligned with the sawtooth.
Doepfer d3m Organ Master Keyboard no more available
We would like to remind you that the beloved Doepfer d3m Organ Master Keyboard is no more available.
Transparent Doepfer Patch Cables
Transparent Doepfer patch cords, available in 30, 50 and 80 centimeters!
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