Frap Tools at SchneidersLaden 15.03.2018
Simone of Frap Tools will be in Berlin presenting his latest module Fumana this Thursday.
Check the details here.
Fumana will be back on stock in a few weeks, in the meantime, have a look at these nice videos:
Back on track...
We are back in Berlin.
We have got a few new products in our warehouse in the meantime, product announcements to make, and are currently discussing a few things which we cannot talk about yet.
It was nice to meet our customers and brands Doepfer, Vermona, Verbos, Frap Tools, TouellSkouarn, Zvex Modular, Eowave, Haken Audio, Catalyst Audio and Kenton again and to make new friends.
A detailed update will follow soon.
Discover Analogue Systems
Bob Williams began in 1995 like Doepfer, but unbeknown, with the production of a modular system in Eurorack-format. The first modules were extractions from earlier Analogue Systems products like the FB-3 filter bank. AS is using an other system bus and the front panels differs a little. But the CV and audio signals are fully compatible with all Eurorack-companies.
Alex4 Distribution GmbH
Lessingstr. 98, 100 – Haus 11
13158 Berlin
Tel +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 40
Fax +49(0)30 - 61 65 100 49