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We are happy to announce Total Recall, a 3 channel preset manager! 

Total Recall offers CV storage for preset management, allowing for smooth and controlled transitions.


  • 3 channel control voltage generator/attenuator/attenuverter
  • 8 preset CV manager with two banks: bipolar -5...+5V and unipolar 0...+5V
  • Instant, slewed or continuous change between stored CV values
  • 3-channel macro CV generator with smooth min./max. control via CV, trigger or manually


The sooperRadio is a new programme from the team behind Superbooth. It is about electronic music in and from Berlin, the synthesizer as an instrument and playing device and its practical application.

Check it out here:

Flame 4Vox

Noisebug did a nice video using the Flame 4Vox. Have a listen! 

The 4Vox is a quad wavetable oscillator with up to four voices per VCO, resulting in a maximum of 16 voices at four individual outputs. With the MIDI In the module can be played both with CVs and directly via MIDI which also allows for modulating some additional parameters.


The presale for SUPERBOOTH21 starts today! A first limited contingent of day tickets will go on sale - the validity of the tickets is linked to a negative Covid-19 test, a complete vaccination or a proven recovery at the time of the event.

Tickets for the special events will go on sale starting July 15, including the DIY workshops, Gesprächskonzerte (lecture concerts) and boat shuttle. These tickets are only valid in conjunction with any day ticket. Then in August there will be another limited contingent of day tickets, of course at the same price.

Due to the official requirements, all ticket contingents are of course limited. All one-day tickets allow all-day access to the outdoor areas. In order to be able to guarantee the required distances between visitors, access to the indoor area of the FEZ Berlin will take place in a two-shift system, either in the morning or in the afternoon. There will be fewer booths inside than during past events - a total of about 150 international exhibitors can be expected. This year, the fairground offers a significantly expanded outdoor area, with ad- ditional tents in the forest, the Hüttendorf, the Fuchsbau, installations and new stages at the playground and Finnhütten. This turns a visit to SUPERBOOTH21 into a small adventure tour that not only sets new accents acoustically, but also as a hybrid between trade fair and festival.

The indoor area offers the advantage of largely non-obstructed architecture for the first time, because the foyer and the corridors remain free of exhibition stands. Visitors to SUPERBOOTH21 will be guided through the wide corridors of FEZ Berlin by a safe one-way system. In combination with the large outdoor area, this enables a safe event under current conditions."

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